Slightly Older MusingsAndRamblings


India's Treasure is in Swizerland- Indian Black Money

- - Abhishek

According to the data provided by the Swiss bank, India has more black money than rest of the world combined. India topping the list with almost $1500 Billion black money in swiss banks, followed by Russia $470 Billion, UK $390 Billion, Ukraine $100 Billion and China with $96 Billion. 

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WikiLeaks posted in the website that – Indian money in Swiss Banks than any other nationality. We have proof regarding their names, amount and name of bank which we got from Rudolf Elmer. We have 2000 names in two discs, the major share is from India. The source of income is from project hedge, illegal share in stock market, drug deal, fake project. The deposits in Swiss Bank was started from early 70s. Major share of Indian black money routed from Pakistan. We published the link in rapidshare server, address is on port 9999 (SSL enabled). The Indian government needs to be more aggressive in tracking the black money stashed in foreign banks since Indians depositing money in foreign banks is debasing the rupee. Otherwise WikiLeaks will do the job.

The Swiss government has recently passed a law which allows the gvernment of Swizerland to freeze all accounts. The Swiss government was ready to share the details with Indian government regards the indian money and indian accounts in all the Swiss banks, however the government and the pposition, both were reluctant in sorting the matter out...
The LHC experiment has an estimated budget of $9 billion, according to Wikipedia sources. The Indian currency at Swiss bank is 13 times more than the entire nation’s international debt.Just Imagine!!!!1
I just cannt Imagine!!1

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